Vol. 10 Núm. 1 (2019): Revista Aglala
Artículos Cientificos

Marketing audit model oriented to the traceability of the objectives and strategies

Yezid Cancino Gómez
Universidad ECCI
Jairo Palacios Rozo
Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
César Manjarrez Leytón
Universidad ECCI

Publicado 2019-07-31

Palabras clave

  • Auditoría de marketing; desempeño; control y evaluación del marketing,
  • control; marketing evaluation,
  • marketing audit;,
  • Auditoría de marketing; desempeño; control y evaluación del marketing;

Cómo citar

Cancino Gómez, Y., Palacios Rozo, J., & Manjarrez Leytón, C. (2019). Marketing audit model oriented to the traceability of the objectives and strategies. Aglala, 10(1), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.22519/22157360.1314


Marketing Auditing contributes to the strategic and tactical planning process (Denisa & Jaroslav, 2013) used to evaluate its performance; the proposed models are qualitative, they lack of empirical validation and systematic methodology (Morgan, Clark, & Gooner, 2002),these models are based on checklists and opened questions, and they do not offer clarity on how to evaluate marketing effectiveness and efficiency; these aspects led to propose the development of an audit model from the needs of marketing managers. The results allowed to formulate an audit process under the premises of generating objective, truthful as well as verifiable information that is structured in the traceability of the objectives and strategies in order to examine both the marketing planning process and the performance during the execution of the plan. The model shows the results of the audit that synthesizes some relevant information in a tool called marketingram that visualizes the main indicators linking the contextual facts and the decisions of the marketing manager in the goal fulfilment of the area


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